-Temporary Ordination available -Novice or Monk

Proper requisites can be provided for any student wishing to take a temporary ordination while training at the center. This must be done for a minimum period of 2 weeks.
As is traditional in most Buddhist centers, students may keep the robes afterwards [if they can keep them with respect, or they can return them for others to use in the future]. Normal Daily Rate applies as usual to cover retreat costs. BVMC will supply everything needed and shave your head as part of the ceremony. No memorization is necessary.
Email to [email protected] if you are interested in taking a temporary ordination. The Abbot must approve any temporary ordinations. The temporary period must be a 2 week retreat where you practice the Tranquil-Insight Meditation practice that is taught here. We do not support other practices. You will stay in the 1st & 2nd floor.
We also offer longer periods of ordination. Should you desire to continue as a monk we can suggest you to stay with Abbot for training as far as the rules, chants and rituals of a monk.