Sponsor a Retreat for Ven. Dr. Saccānanda Mahāthera in your country or city. Ask us how via contact page.
Sitting Groups and Mentors in USA and AbroadListed below are either active sitting groups or people intListed below are either active sitting groups or people interested in Tranquil-Insight Meditation, wishing to sit together and also discuss Dr. Saccānanda Mahāthera's teachings. People who may give instruction in Tranquil-Insight Meditation and are familiar with the levels of progress are noted in bold***.
Also you may request to be added to the below list. Use the contact form at bottom. Want to sponsor a retreat for Dr. Saccānanda? - check the guidelines below. We are always looking for people interested in Tranquil-Insight Meditation, wishing to sit together, and also discuss Dr. Saccānanda Mahāthera's teachings. |
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